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Chatbot vs Conversation AI - What’s the Difference?

Written by

 Jeremy Gallemard

In customer service, two terms are often tossed around: chatbots and conversational AI. While they both aim to improve customer interactions, they achieve this in distinct ways.

Understanding these differences is crucial for decision-makers looking to elevate their customer experience and empower their sales force.

In this article, Smart Tribune will be dissecting these two seemingly interchangeable terms from different angles to ensure stakeholders get a better grip on cutting-edge technologies in the customer success world. Check out:

Let's dive in!

What is the Difference between Conversational AI vs Chatbot?

It boils down to the fact that chatbots are like efficient assistants, programmed with a specific set of rules and keywords. They excel at handling frequently asked questions, collecting data, and completing simple tasks.

Conversational AI, on the other hand, is like a more advanced and adaptable assistant. It leverages the power of machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to understand the intent behind a user's query, even if phrased differently. This allows conversational AI to handle complex questions and adapt to the conversation's flow.

However, in recent years, with the boom of AI, the chatbot landscape is now evolving rapidly. While conventional chatbots rely heavily on pre-defined rules, Smart Tribune and some other chatbot providers bring to the table AI-integrated chatbot solutions, blurring the lines between traditional chatbots and conversational AI.

In a nutshell, in some cases, chatbot is a rule follower that is pre-programmed to answer questions within its limited script. In other instances, they can be considered a subset of conversational AI.

Delve deeper into chatbot and conversational AI:

Though the explanation is crystal clear, choosing one for your business to take customer success to a new height is still a puzzle. Keep scrolling for elaboration on each pick.

What is a Chatbot?

As we mentioned earlier, there exist 2 types of chatbots, traditional chatbots and AI-driven chatbots. Following is the comprehensive comparison:


Traditional chatbot

AI-powered chatbot


Pre-programmed, rule-based

Dynamic, generated in real-time

Language understanding

Limited, keyword-based

Advanced natural language processing

Conversational flow

Often rigid and linear

More flexible and context-aware

Learning capability

Static, requires manual updates

Can learn and improve over time

Handling complex queries

Limited, often fails with complex questions

Better equipped to handle complexity


Basic, based on predefined rules

Advanced, adapts to user preferences

Multi-language support

Limited, requires separate programming

Often supports multiple languages easily


Can be challenging to scale

Generally more scalable


Regular manual updates needed

Self-improving with occasional fine-tuning

Cost considerations

- Lower upfront cost

- Lower operational costs

- May require more staff for maintenance and updates

- Higher initial investment

- Potentially lower long-term costs due to scalability

- May require specialized staff or services

With 13 years of experience in elevating customer support with robust chatbots and self-service solutions, Smart Tribune helps businesses polish customer care with both conventional and AI-driven chatbots. Whether your firm needs a cost-effective solution for handling basic inquiries or a more sophisticated and personalized chatbot experience, Smart Tribune has the right solution for your business’s particular needs to drive phenomenal growth.Nouveau call-to-action

What is Conversational AI?

Conversational AI is transforming human-machine interaction by enabling computers to understand and respond to natural language. This technology combines NLP, ML, and dialog management to interpret context and intent in human communication.

This innovation powers virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, customer service chatbots, and smart home devices, offering 24/7 availability and personalized experiences.

For businesses, conversational AI provides scalable customer support and valuable data insights. It's revolutionizing industries by improving efficiency and opening new channels for customer engagement.

Importance of Chatbot and Conversational AI in Customer Service

Top customer service trends in 2024 imply that chatbots and conversational AI are shaping the future of customer service and driving business exponential growth. Discover how they make this mission possible.

Importance of Chatbot and Conversational AI in Customer Service

Round-the-clock support

In our globally connected world, the concept of "business hours" is becoming obsolete. Your customers expect support at any time, day or night. Chatbots and conversational AI meet this demand effortlessly.

They never sleep, never take breaks, and can handle multiple queries simultaneously. This 24/7 availability isn't just convenient; it's a competitive advantage.

A recent study revealed a startling truth: 64% of customers crave the immediacy of real-time interaction. They want their questions answered and their needs addressed, and they want it now.

Personalization at scale

Accenture reports that 91% of consumers are more inclined to engage with brands that recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations tailored to their needs.

This level of personalization was once only possible with dedicated human attention. Now, it's available for every customer interaction.

One of the most exciting aspects of conversational AI and yes, AI chatbot is its ability to provide personalized experiences at scale. These AI-powered systems can analyze past interactions, purchase history, and preferences to tailor responses and recommendations for each customer.

Data-driven insights for continuous improvement

Perhaps one of the most overlooked benefits of conversational AI is the wealth of data it generates.

Every interaction provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. This data goldmine can inform product development, marketing strategies, and overall business decisions.

According to Gartner, 40% of customer analytics projects will relate to customer experience. That's why it's time for managers to adopt chatbot or conversational AI to stay one step ahead by collecting, analyzing data and taking strategic action accordingly.

The human touch - AI and humans working together

It's crucial to note that the goal of chatbots and conversational AI isn't to replace human agents but to augment their capabilities.

By handling routine queries, AI frees up your team to deal with complex issues that require empathy, creativity, and critical thinking. This synergy between AI and human agents can lead to higher satisfaction.


Conversational AI is poised to have a massive impact on contact center operations. According to Gartner, AI deployments will reduce agent labor costs by a whopping $80 billion by 2026.

By effectively responding to thousands of requests in seconds, these intelligent assistants reduce the need for large customer service teams, overtime pay for human agents and expensive night shifts.

Additionally, chatbots and conversational AI typically require less physical infrastructure compared to traditional call centers, mitigating overhead costs associated with office space and equipment.

As we move forward, the integration of chatbots and conversational AI in customer service will only become more prevalent. For businesses looking to stay competitive, embracing these technologies is a must.


Emerging Trends in Customer Service AI

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in customer service, cutting-edge AI technologies are completely redefining the landscape of customer interactions. Let's explore the groundbreaking trends that are set to revolutionize how businesses connect with and serve their customers in the coming years.

emerging trends in customer service ai

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants

One of the most significant advancements in customer service AI is the proliferation of chatbots and virtual assistants.

These AI-driven tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated, capable of handling complex customer queries with high accuracy. Companies like Amazon, with its Alexa, and Apple's Siri have set the benchmark for virtual assistants, while businesses across various sectors, such as TotalEnergie, Banque Populaire, etc., are deploying chatbots to provide instant support.

Personalization through AI

Personalized customer experiences have become a cornerstone of effective customer service, and AI is at the forefront of this trend. AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of customer data to deliver personalized recommendations, tailor-made solutions, and proactive support.

For instance, Netflix leverages AI to recommend content based on viewing history, preferences, and behavior patterns. This personalized approach keeps users engaged and subscribed to the service.

Voice assistants and speech recognition

The rise of voice assistants and advanced speech recognition technology is another notable trend. Customers are increasingly using voice commands to interact with businesses, whether it's through smart speakers, mobile devices, or call centers.

One fascinating real-world example is Domino's Pizza. Domino's Pizza allows customers to place orders using voice commands through its virtual assistant, Dom. This simplifies the ordering process and enhances customer convenience.

AI-driven analytics and insights

AI-powered analytics tools are revolutionizing how businesses understand and improve customer service. These tools analyze customer interactions, feedback, and behavior to provide actionable insights and identify areas for improvement.

AI-driven analytics help businesses make data-informed decisions, optimize processes, and enhance the overall customer experience. By identifying trends and patterns, companies can proactively address issues before they escalate.

Customers’ Expectations in The AI Era

As AI becomes more integrated into customer service, customer expectations are also evolving. Modern customers demand fast, efficient, and personalized support across multiple channels. They are more tech-savvy and comfortable interacting with AI-driven systems. Let's explore the customer's expectations in the AI-dominant world:

  • Instant gratification: Customers expect immediate responses to their inquiries. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants fulfill this need by providing instant support, even during non-business hours.
  • Omnichannel experience: Customers prefer seamless experiences across various platforms, whether it's social media, mobile apps, websites, or voice assistants. AI ensures consistent support and information across all touchpoints.
  • Self-service preference: There is a growing preference for self-service options, where customers can find answers to their queries without human intervention. AI-driven knowledge bases and FAQ systems cater to this need.

Learn more about customer self-service:

How Businesses are Adapting?

To meet the changing demands of customers in the AI era, businesses are adopting several strategies:

  • Investing in AI technologies: Companies are investing heavily in AI tools and platforms like AI-fueled pre-sales chatbots, to enhance their customer service capabilities. This includes deploying chatbots, virtual assistants, and AI-driven analytics solutions.
  • Training and upskilling employees: Businesses are focusing on upskilling their workforce to work alongside AI technologies. Training programs ensure that employees can effectively use AI tools and provide superior customer service.
  • Emphasizing data security and privacy: With the increased use of AI, businesses are prioritizing data security and privacy. Ensuring that customer data is protected builds trust and confidence in AI-driven systems.
  • Continuous improvement: AI technologies are continually evolving, and businesses are adopting a mindset of continuous improvement. Their efficiency and relevance hinge on regular updates, feedback loops, and monitoring of AI systems.

FAQs about Chatbot and Conversational AI

1. Is chatbot a conversational agent?

Yes. At its core, a chatbot is a type of conversational agent.

2. What is conversational AI?

It is a branch of AI that enables computers to understand, process, and naturally respond to human language. This technology powers chatbots and virtual assistants, allowing them to interact with users through text or voice.

Final Thoughts on Chatbot vs Conversational AI in Customer Support

By and large, the question isn't whether you should implement chatbots or conversational AI in your customer service strategy, but how quickly your team can do so. The potential for cost savings, improved customer satisfaction, and data-driven insights is too significant to ignore.

Organizations’ next steps should involve assessing your current customer service infrastructure, identifying areas where AI can make the most impact, and developing a strategy for seamless integration.

In case you need assistance from customer success experts, drop Smart Tribune a line to get a free consultation on chatbot vs conversational AI for your business's unique needs.  

conversational ai

Jeremy Gallemard

Hello! I'm Jérémy, President & Co-founder of Smart Tribune. With my background in the digital & customer experience space I'm happy to share my insight & practical advice on customer experience today & what it might look like tomorrow. Happy reading!

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